In the fast-paced world of logistics, infrastructure is the backbone that supports efficient and reliable supply chain operations. PEB steel structures have become the go-to solution for modern logistics facilities due to their speed, cost efficiency, durability, and flexibility. Ashtech Prefab, a leader in this innovative construction method, has been instrumental in driving this transformation. One of their successful collaborations has been with OPAS Logistics, a leading player in the supply chain industry.

Meeting Growing Demands
OPAS Logistics was facing a significant challenge. As their business expanded, they needed to upgrade and expand their logistics facilities quickly to keep up with increasing demand. They needed a solution that could be implemented rapidly, cost-effectively, and without compromising on quality or durability. Ashtech Prefab provided the answer with their PEB steel structures.

The project involved constructing a state-of-the-art logistics facility for OPAS Logistics, covering an area of 300,000 sq ft with an estimated steel tonnage of approximately 800 MT.

The Solution
PEB structures are pre-designed and fabricated off-site. This parallel process of site preparation and component fabrication drastically reduces construction time. For OPAS Logistics, this meant faster expansion and less downtime. The pre-engineered approach minimises waste and reduces labour costs. Ashtech Prefab’s efficient construction process ensured that OPAS Logistics could stay within budget while getting a high-quality product.

The modular nature of PEB structures allows for easy expansion and reconfiguration. As OPAS Logistics grows, their facilities can adapt quickly and cost-effectively.

A Seamless Partnership
Ashtech Prefab’s team worked closely with OPAS Logistics to design facilities that met their specific operational needs. This tailored approach ensured optimal space utilisation and efficiency.
Fabrication in a controlled environment ensured high precision and quality. Ashtech Prefab’s stringent quality control measures guaranteed that each component met the highest standards.

The pre-engineered components were transported to the site and assembled swiftly. This minimised disruption to OPAS Logistics’ ongoing operations and allowed for a quick transition to the new facilities.

The collaboration between Ashtech Prefab and OPAS Logistics showcases the transformative potential of PEB steel structures in the logistics industry. By providing a solution that is fast, cost-effective, durable, and flexible, Ashtech Prefab has helped OPAS Logistics set a new standard for logistics infrastructure.