Phoenix P25 emerges as a groundbreaking commercial endeavour, poised to redefine the landscape of the Extended IT Corridor with its futuristic infrastructure. Spearheaded by the Phoenix Group, its development epitomises a convergence of cutting-edge design, advanced construction methodologies, and a steadfast commitment to sustainability.

At its core lies a strategic decision: the utilisation of steel as the primary construction material, heralding a new era of structural strength, flexibility, and efficiency in demanding timelines. Kalyan Chakrawarthy Kethana, Associate Vice President, Phoenix Group, and Gunes Bardakci, General Manager, Phoenix P25, delve into the rationale behind choosing steel and explore the myriad advantages it brings to the realisation of the Phoenix P25 vision.

Chakrawarthy states, “The primary objective of developing the Phoenix P25 was to construct a cutting-edge commercial space with futuristic amenities, enabling businesses to maximize their potential. Situated within the Extended IT Corridor, it’s intended to be a standout project in the area. Crucially, it’s strategically located amidst residential communities and urban infrastructure to enhance the convenience and well-being of employees.”

A Perspective on the Advantages of Structural Steel

  • Swift Construction Pace: Steel allows for rapid assembly, speeding up project completion.
  • Enhanced Reliability and Quality Control: Factory-made steel elements ensure consistent quality, enhancing overall reliability.
  • Increased Net Usable Area: Steel’s strength enables slender structural elements, maximising interior space.
  • Exceptional Seismic Compliance: Steel structures offer superior resilience to seismic forces, ensuring safety.
  • Elevated Strength-to-Weight Ratio: Steel provides durability with minimal weight, reducing overall load.
  • Contribution to a Circular Economy: Steel’s recyclability promotes sustainability, minimising waste.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Computer-aided design and standard fabrication minimise rework, resulting in efficient, high-quality, and safe construction.
  • Architectural Expression: Steel allows for creative designs and long spans.
  • Lightweight: Reduced foundation loads due to steel’s weight.
  • Structural Integrity: Steel’s strength and durability make it suitable for various building types.
  • Sustainability: Steel structures offer notable environmental benefits. 

The power of steel

Chakravarthy says, “Phoenix group is an early mover and believer in composite steel structures as construction technology to meet demanding timelines with precision and high quality in construction. Innovation, standardisation, modularisation and sustainability are key aspects in developing and adopting composite steel structures at Phoenix. “

Advantages of Structural Steel and Composite Steel Structures from Phoenix Perspective

  1. Enhanced Safety: The superior strength of structural steel ensures the integrity of the building, providing robust protection against potential hazards such as collapses or structural failures, thereby prioritising the safety of occupants.
  2. Design Flexibility: Structural steel’s remarkable flexibility facilitates the realisation of innovative and dynamic architectural designs, enabling the creation of complex and aesthetically pleasing structures that stand out in any environment.
  3. Adaptability: Steel structures offer unparalleled adaptability, allowing for seamless accommodation of changes in use or function over time. This versatility ensures that buildings can evolve to meet shifting needs without the need for extensive modifications, ensuring long-term relevance and utility.
  4. Resilience: Steel structures, renowned for their strength and flexibility, are inherently resilient to external forces such as seismic activity, wind loads, or impacts. This resilience minimises the risk of damage or deformation, ensuring the structural integrity of the building even in adverse conditions.
  5. Efficient Material Use: By optimising structural design, we maximise material utilisation, minimising waste and environmental impact while maintaining the desired levels of strength and flexibility, thus promoting sustainability in construction practices.
  6. Cost-Effectiveness: Building with structural steel and composite materials offers significant cost savings over the lifespan of the structure. Reduced maintenance, repairs, and potential retrofitting needs contribute to favourable life cycle cost analysis, ensuring economic viability and long-term affordability.
  7. Sustainable Construction: Incorporating structural strength and flexibility into building design aligns with sustainability goals by promoting resource efficiency, longevity, and adaptability to changing environmental conditions. This commitment to sustainability ensures that our structures minimise their ecological footprint while delivering enduring value.
  8. Augmented Space: Utilising structural steel allows for more efficient use of space in offices, requiring fewer columns and smaller sizes compared to traditional RCC columns. This optimisation enhances spatial efficiency, maximising net usable space and enhancing the functionality and comfort of the built environment.

He adds that steel’s structural prowess lies in its exceptional tensile strength, enabling it to bear hefty loads without succumbing to deformation or failure. Unlike concrete, steel boasts uniform material properties, ensuring consistency in its strength across structures. Its predictability under various loads provides engineers with confidence in safety measures. Moreover, steel adeptly resists both compression and tension forces, guaranteeing structural integrity.

Beyond strength, steel offers unrivalled flexibility, characterised by its ductile nature, allowing for significant deformation before breaking. Fabrication flexibility permits bending and curving of steel members, facilitating imaginative architectural designs. With the ability to span vast distances between columns, steel fosters open and flexible interior spaces. Furthermore, its ease of modification and expansion caters to evolving needs, cementing steel’s position as the cornerstone of adaptable and resilient structural solutions.

Behind the build
The construction of Phoenix P25 encountered a spectrum of challenges, spanning logistical intricacies and ground conditions to multidisciplinary coordination hurdles. From planning logistics and phasing to navigating deep excavation, each step presented its own set of obstacles.

Coordinating temporary and permanent construction activities within aggressive timelines demanded unparalleled multidisciplinary collaboration and high-level stakeholder engagement. Innovative systems and digital tools were crucially adapted to engage internal and external stakeholders effectively.

Ensuring seamless multidisciplinary design coordination was imperative to mitigate clashes and scope gaps. Documenting the process flow among stakeholders and promptly addressing critical submissions such as shop drawings, change requests, Requests for Information (RFIs), and Work Method Statements (WMS), were integral to overcoming these challenges and ensuring project success.

Bardakci rightly adds, “Identification of these challenges and addressing them in a timely manner would only be possible with a proactive and collaborative team approach, regular risk management and coordination meetings, look-ahead schedule and what-if analysis, active involvement of experienced and qualified stakeholders for the identification of risks, all of which we have effectively implemented and regularly monitored risks at P25 Triton project. We have ensured that these risks are identified, response strategies are agreed and risk responses are implemented prior to the execution stage without any hindrance to quality.”

Moreover, effective implementation of ‘lean construction’ principles and driving the operations in line with ‘digital transformation’ have significantly contributed to the successful management of the risks in full coordination with all respective stakeholders.

Next-Gen Project Management

  • Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • Topographic drone surveying integration with BIM 
  • Construction monitoring with 360 cameras integrated with a 3D model (actual vs BIM) 
  • Regular drone surveying for progress 
  • Integrated schedule consisting of all activities in every work package (Primavera and MS project have been used for various schedule analysis)
  • Interactive and integrated powerbi project management dashboards 
  • 4D project simulation and logistic phasing plans have been used, providing access to respective stakeholders 
  • Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) construction management tool to connect workflows, teams and data to reduce risk and maximise efficiency 

Sequencing success

While constructing high-rises presents a challenge in itself, incorporating steel adds yet another layer of complications. Bardakci elaborates, “As a good and effective practice in large-scale construction projects, we have ensured that all Good for Construction (GFC) drawings have been integrated into the BIM platform (using a Revit model in our project) that enabled a smooth integration of structural steel with all other trades, such as concrete, MEP and facade.” With this, the team could perform ‘clash detection’ and resolve the clashes to the maximum extent possible at the GFC stage. Also, the structural steel was completely detailed and modelled in Tekla. “Therefore, we could perform not only clash but also detailed schedule and constructability analysis in a very early stage of the project, before facing issues at the execution time.”

To ensure full coordination, the 3D model was integrated with the schedule which resulted in 4D simulations to visualise an effective sequencing of activities from initiation to completion. It is essential to note that all critical high-rise elements that should be perfectly coordination with structural steel erection work have also been integrated, especially in terms of effective sequencing and progress such as the Auto-Climbing System (ACS) at the core wall, tower cranes, placing booms and construction hoists. This was a key value-adding planning strategy implemented at P25.

Safety first
For the company safety has been a key priority right from the initiation of projects to its completion. A safety management plan is of paramount importance, which was developed specific to the P25 project needs and approved at the initiation but more importantly it has been regularly reviewed and updated.

Speaking to the high-rise nature of the project, he adds, “Prior to the commencement of construction activities, of both permanent and temporary works, we are very strict on having the approved WMS and associated Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA). Safety inductions and regular safety training for every activity are a must.”

That apart, “All our project and management meetings start with ‘HSE’. This gives a strong message to all our stakeholders that safety is always the top of our agenda. We perform safety walks every week, conduct a monthly safety motivation programme, daily toolbox talks and mandatory regular training in various topics. Daily safety observations, trend analysis, permit-to-work (PTW) systems, tools and equipment inspections and so forth have been strictly implemented in our projects.”

All safety statistics such as observations, first aid, near misses, PTW registry, and hot work permits are carefully reviewed and action plans with timelines are developed weekly.

Moreover, standard tools, equipment and advanced systems are used in the project such as ACS, high-safety luffing type cranes, light-weight formwork systems, modular construction like structural steel and composite elements, certified PPEs, standard edge, openings and shaft protections, fire fighting measures in addition to extinguishers, powders and fire hose reels.

“Our aim is to implement best practices in terms of project and construction management at P25 and challenge ourselves every day with continuous improvement and innovation that will make a positive impact and contribute to raising the standards in the region.”
Gunes Bardakci, General Manager, Phoenix P25

“At Phoenix, we approach every project as a unique learning opportunity. We are committed to continually seeking fresh insights and pioneering methodologies. Our philosophy is rooted in embracing new perspectives while discarding outdated practices to foster innovation and thrive in our endeavours. By adhering to this ethos, we aim to remain at the forefront of our industry, delivering excellence and driving positive change in the communities we serve.”
Kalyan Chakrawarthy Kethana, Associate Vice President, Phoenix Group