KRIDE, responsible for the Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project (BSRP), has awarded a Rs 5 billion contract to Nagarjuna Construction Company (NCC) for the construction of eight stations under Package C2A of Corridor 2. The work, to be completed within 24 months, includes stations on the 25 km stretch between Benniganahalli and Chikkabanavar. The corridor features a combination of elevated and at-grade tracks, with 12 stations split into two packages.

Package C2A encompasses eight stations, such as Benniganahalli (elevated interchange) and Kasturi Nagar (at-grade), covering civil, structural, architectural, and electrical works. The scope also includes the construction of steel foot overbridges, roof structures, and pre-engineered buildings (PEBs). The remaining stations in Package C2B will be tendered separately.

NCC, the lowest bidder, emerged victorious over competitors like Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) and J. Kumar Infra Projects Ltd. Work for the civil infrastructure of Corridor 2 was previously awarded to L&T Limited in 2022. The process of acquiring rolling stock is ongoing, with the state government working on a model involving equity shares with the central government.