What attracts you to using steel as a primary building material in your architectural projects?
Steel is a modern material and goes well with every material. Its versatility and clean, modern look as a primary building material lies in its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, versatility, and durability. Its inherent qualities allow for innovative designs, structural integrity, and long-term performance, making it an attractive choice for architectural projects.

Can you share any specific examples of how you have used steel in your designs or projects?
We’ve utilised steel in various capacities within our designs. For instance, in the Science Innovation Hub, the overall bowl structure is composed of steel; it plays a central role in the project, forming the entire frame of the main structure. Its use enhances both functionality and aesthetics, ensuring a prominent and visually appealing design.

Are there any architects or architectural projects that have inspired your interest in steel design? Please share your thoughts.
Architects like Santiago Calatrava and Zaha Hadid have demonstrated the transformative potential of steel through their iconic structures. Projects such as the Sydney Opera House and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao showcase the elegance and functionality achievable with steel construction.

In what ways does designing with steel impact construction timelines and costs compared to other materials?
While steel fabrication and installation processes may initially incur higher costs, the efficiency of construction and reduced maintenance expenses over the building’s lifespan often result in long-term savings. Additionally, steel’s lightweight nature can expedite construction schedules by enabling faster assembly and erection on-site.

How do you stay updated on the latest developments and trends in steel-based architecture and design?
Regularly engaging in professional networks, attending industry conferences, and participating in continuing education programs helps. Additionally, we regularly review architectural publications, research papers, and online resources dedicated to advancements in the industry and construction techniques.

What challenges have you encountered when working with steel in your architectural projects, and how did you address them?
Challenges vary according to the projects. Working with steel presents unique challenges, including ensuring proper structural engineering, addressing corrosion protection, and coordinating with fabricators and contractors. To overcome these obstacles, meticulous planning, collaborative teamwork, and adherence to industry standards are essential. Implementing quality control measures and conducting thorough inspections throughout the construction process help mitigate potential issues and ensure project success.

What is your opinion on the future of steel in architecture, considering emerging technologies and sustainability trends?
I feel the future of steel in architecture is promising, particularly with advancements in sustainable practices and emerging technologies. Innovations such as recycled steel materials, modular construction methods, and advanced fabrication techniques offer opportunities to enhance the environmental performance and efficiency of steel-based structures. As architects, embracing these developments enables us to design more resilient, energy-efficient buildings that contribute positively to the built environment.

Are there any specific projects or areas within the steel construction industry that you hope to explore in the future?
Our studio is always keen on exploring projects that push the boundaries of traditional construction. Designing sustainable skyscrapers, adaptive reuse of industrial structures, and integrating steel with emerging technologies like 3D printing and robotics. Additionally, we also look forward to exploring collaborative initiatives with stakeholders across the steel construction industry to further innovation and promote sustainable practices.