Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a 13-km section of the Delhi-Meerut Namo Bharat Corridor on January 5, 2025. Implemented by NCRTC, this semi-high-speed corridor is a significant step towards improving regional connectivity in the National Capital Region.

Afcons Infrastructure Ltd. executed a crucial 3.5-km stretch within Package 6, which includes the New Ashok Nagar station and a viaduct featuring six bow-string steel spans. These spans, with a combined length of 360 meters and weighing 2,900 MT, were meticulously installed over road crossings and an irrigation canal in East Delhi despite heavy traffic conditions.

The New Ashok Nagar station, the corridor’s first elevated station in Delhi, connects seamlessly with the New Ashok Nagar Metro Station. The 10.56-km Package 6 also includes the construction of an elevated viaduct from Sarai Kale Khan station to the New Ashok Nagar DN Ramp, featuring two elevated stations—Sarai Kale Khan and New Ashok Nagar.

Afcons is also managing Package 8 of the Delhi-Meerut Namo Bharat Corridor, further contributing to this transformational infrastructure project.