Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu has announced the state’s commitment to harnessing green energy on a large scale. Tenders for seven solar power projects, totaling 72 MW, have been invited, with work allocations expected this month. Additionally, surveys and investigations for eight projects with a combined capacity of 325 MW are underway.

The government plans to develop 200 ‘Green Panchayats,’ installing 200 kW ground-mounted solar plants in each, with the income directed toward local development. A 5 MW solar power project in Bhanjal, Una district, has been operational since November 2024, and a 10 MW Aghlaur Solar Power Project is nearing completion.

Himachal aims to be India’s first ‘Green Energy State’ by 2026, prioritizing environmental conservation, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting renewable energy for future generations. Plans also include a compressed bio-gas plant with a two-tonne daily capacity and the installation of grid-connected rooftop solar plants and water heating systems in state-run ashrams and schools.