Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar unveiled developmental projects worth Rs 1,107 crore in Madhubani district on Sunday, marking a significant boost to the region’s infrastructure and economic growth. During his visit, Kumar inaugurated and laid the foundation stones for 139 projects aimed at enhancing various sectors, including education, healthcare, transportation, and rural development. These initiatives underline the state government’s commitment to improving the quality of life for the people in the region and fostering overall development.
In a significant announcement, he revealed plans to develop a 500-acre industrial area in the Laukahi block of Madhubani district, which is expected to attract investment, create job opportunities, and contribute to the district’s economic transformation.
The Chief Minister also announced that the state government would urge the Centre to commence flight services from Madhubani airport under the UDAN scheme, aimed at improving regional connectivity and boosting tourism and trade in the district.
As part of his visit, the Chief Minister inspected an Anganwadi centre, where he interacted with children and teachers to assess the facilities provided by the district administration. Additionally, Kumar chaired a meeting at Mithila Haat in the Jhanjharpur area to review the progress of ongoing developmental schemes. These initiatives reflect the state government’s focus on inclusive growth and infrastructure expansion to uplift the socio-economic landscape of Madhubani.