The Adani Group is set to invest Rs 500 crore to establish a modern logistics park on a 70-acre industrial plot in Kalamassery, Ernakulam. Announced by Kerala’s Industries and Law Minister, P Rajeeve, the project is expected to generate hundreds of jobs for locals. The park will include multiple warehouses operated by private firms, with Flipkart among the first to set up a facility, expected to be operational by December 2025.

The logistics park will be located in Kalamassery, the minister’s assembly constituency. This strategic location is expected to support efficient supply chain management and attract further investments in Kerala’s growing logistics sector.

In addition to this project, the Adani Group has committed Rs 10,000 crore for the second phase of the Vizhinjam deepwater multipurpose port, scheduled to unfold over the next three years. The first phase, completed under a public-private partnership (PPP) model, saw a combined investment of Rs 7,900 crore from the government and the Adani Group since its initiation in 2015. The second phase will be fully funded by the Adani Group, further expanding Kerala’s infrastructure capabilities.