Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Swaran Dwar, Ambala

The Government of Haryana intends to celebrate Swarn Jayanti year of the State of Haryana Keeping in mind the Golden Jubilee event the Government of Haryana has decided to install a Commemorative Structure and Tableau depicting progress of Haryana in last 50 years Rich heritage/Culture/History etc. are required to be displayed.

Initial Thought
Haryana is the land where knowledge of Geeta was imparted to Arjuna by Lord Krishna. The thought of a structure which could easily span the 55 m wide road, be a symbol of Geeta Gyan and yet be iconic. Bow n arrow symbolizes focus, which, is arguably the most essential thing needed for achieving success in any endeavor be it the war, implementation of any state policy or for prosperous business.




The Swarn Dwar is an amalgamation of cultural beliefs, portrayed through a contemporary design. Stainless steel was chosen because of the flexibility of steel and the idea that stainless steel requires no or minimum maintenance and does not get affected by moisture dust or water. Also, the cladding PVD coated gives the
structure a unique look. The entire project was completed from foundation to erection in just 30 days and this was due to the flexibility of steel. The Contemporary Dwar will stand to greet all passerby of NH-44 CHD – Ambala for a long-long time.


Design Idea
The concept design of the Swarn Dwar is envisaged as a Bow which is to be placed on the National Highway near (Apprx 500 Mtrs) Kingfisher resort towards Delhi. The Bow is so placed as it covers all three road (road from Delhi To Chandigarh which further diverts to Chandigarh and Amritsar and road from Chandigarh to Delhi and road from Chandigarh to Ambala Cantt. The Bow is spanning approximately 180’-0” with two side anchorage in shape of steel columns and one central column placed on the median. The height of the bow is 18’-0“ to 40‘-0” as per minimum height guidelines.

The bow structure is made up of stainless steel 304 grade pipes which are cladded with PVD coated laser jet cut stainless steel sheet supported by stainless steel columns. The material chosen stainless steel as it is permanent material and it has very less effect of nature i.e. water, moisture, dust etc. No or very minimum, maintenance is required for stainless steel in compare to mild steel.

The pipe structure has LED lights inside from which the it highlighted and the stainless-steel cables suspended from the central columns are lit by colour wash façade lights to create a peacock feather effect. The project also involves Lighting upto 500 mtr of the Swarn Dwar. Also decorative lighting LED are placed on both sides of the Dwar. The bow is like the primordial OM sound and the arrow is like the Jeev-atma which achieves Nirvan through Brahmanaad by the Shankh or Conch. Hence we also used 18’ long conch.

Steeling Structure
Ease of Construction with steel made it possible for us to implement the structure without having stopped the traffic even for a single day. It’s steel columns n Dhanush were prefabricated n simply placed in position by cranes.

The cladding material here too was stainless steel sheet envelope which was CNC cut to give the desired perforations out which lights radiated outward s which made it look like diamonds in a golden bow.


Fact File

Client: PWD Buildings & Roads, Haryana
Architect: Renu Khanna & Associates
Consultant: Renu Khanna & Associates
Steel Fabricator: Krishna Constructions
Tonnage: 25 Tonnes (SS 304 grade)
Status: Completed

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